Friday, October 24, 2008


Since I blogged last, I've had my 22nd Birthday! I celebrated with my fabulous group of friends at Benihanna where we had a lot of laughs and enjoyed great food! I couldn't have asked for a better Birthday!

The Whole Gang

Me and my good friends Jill & Keri
One side of the table.. Me, Jennifer, Sawyer, Shannon and Axel

On the other side.. Luis, Steven, Jill, Keri and I

Me and Jennifer

A lovely group of girls

Good lookin' fellas

My party hat, New fashion statement I think!

Our most awesome chef

My Birthday suprise! :)

PAC MAN! Way cool!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here Fishy Fishy

Last month I went out on a limb and gave up my girly habits for the day. If you know me well enough, you know I'm not the outdoors type girl nor do I enjoy getting dirty! I put that all aside though, and went on my first off shore fishing trip. I ended up catching two very nice sized King fish but didn't have as much luck with the Snapper, they were all too small. I had a great time and believe it or not I'm ready to go back!

Me and my friend Kristina

One of the deck hands helping my pull my fish in after I accidentally let the line go out forever! Suprisingly my fish was still on the other end... pretty sure that guy laughed at me though! hehe

Our whole fishing group at a lovely 4am

All of us ladies with our deck hands

Kristina, Michelle and I

One of the King fish I caught. He put up a huge fight and took me up and down the boat before I could reel him all the way in. Stinker!

Learning to use the rod took me some time to do

I ended up with two Snapper at one time and even though they were too small, I was still proud!

Fun Little Kiddos

I recently worked at a daycare here in Huntsville as an aide for pre-schoolers. However. due to my busy school schedule this semester and lack of time to work, I had to leave my little four year old's behind. Before I left I made sure to get pictures with all of them. :)

Here I am with most of my gang

Me and my little class clown Lexi...the cutest redhead ever

Sasha and "Ms. Weather"

Me and my best buddy Rebecca

My sweetheart Matthew

Me and Desy

Me and my sweet "Little Ms. Priss" Mekenna

I love Lyle because he would always come to class with some kind of story and always say "Ms. Heather you know what?!"

My other little readheaded twin Maci

Craig was my little charmer, I remember I walked into class with a pink shirt with sequins on it and he told me I looked like a princess.

Me and Mason, probably one of the sweetest kids I've ever met. Him being very fascinated with Transformers always made it a point to say "Hey Ms. Hedder let me tell you a story about my new transformer" ha

If any kid ever made me smile it was probably Matthew. He never spoke very much, but instead used sign language and this is one he used on me all the time which I was told means "Suprise!"